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Review Process

Should you have any questions about documents or any part of the process, please contact the Secretariat.

Step 1:

The Board receives the application, posts it on its web site, and gives a deadline for public comment (currently 30 days).

Step 2:

The Board considers nature of the application, and strikes a External Expert Review Panel and/or Organization Review Committee, as appropriate.

Step 3:

The Applicant is informed of the composition of the Expert Panel(s), of the deadline for comment, and is advised of any site visit.

Step 4:

The expert panel undertakes the review in accord with the Board's detailed procedures (see the Guidelines for External Expert Review Panels) and in due course file a report. Public and stakeholder comments which relate to the application in the context of the Board's criteria are referred to the panel for consideration and to the applicant.

Step 5:

The Report is shared with the applicant for comment.

Step 6:

When the expert panel's report together with the applicant's comment are referred to the Board, it may be satisfied that it has sufficient information to recommend to the Minister, or it may ask for further information from the expert panel(s) or the applicant.

Step 7:

Following the formulation of its recommendation, the Board posts the recommendation date on its website and shares the PEQAB Final Report with the applicant, the expert external panel members and the Minister.

Step 8:

Following announcement of the Minister's decision, the Board posts both its recommendation and the Minister's decision on its web site.