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Review the legislation. Identify the category (public/private) to which your organization belongs under the definition in the Regulations.
Read the Ministry’s documents which elaborate on the procedures to be followed under the Regulations, and include the Directives and Guidelines for Applying for Ministerial Consent, Summary of Application Forms to be completed by the applicant, and information about the standard terms and conditions of a ministerial consent.
Review the Board's Manuals for your category of applicant to determine the kinds of information you have to submit for the review by the Board and the process to be followed.
Email your application and all associated documents to
Application fees and charges will be as per Application Fees and will be invoiced to you after your application is referred to PEQAB.
Following a communication from the Minister that your application has been referred to the Board, you will hear from the Board's Secretariat concerning any questions about the anticipated assessment charges and the next steps in the Board's review process.
For questions or information about the PEQAB criteria or processes (from the Minister's referral of an application to the Board to the Board's recommendation on the application to the Minister) contact the Secretariat.
For questions or information about the application process, the legislation or regulations, or the Minister's considerations,
contact the Universities Unit: